Intellectual Property
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Industrial Property

Intellectual Property for Statistics

Template Models

What is Copyright?
Copyright is the recognition made by the Mexican State, in favor of every creator of literary and artistic works, by virtue of which it grants its protection so that the author enjoys prerogatives and exclusive privileges of a personal and patrimonial nature. Through the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR).

What kind of works are protected by copyright?
- Literary;
- Musical, with or without lyrics;
- Dramatic;
- Dance;
- Pictorial or drawing;
- Sculptural and of a plastic nature;
- Caricature and cartoon;
- Architectural;
- Cinematographic and other audiovisual works;
- Radio and television programmes;
- Computer programs;
- Photographic;
- Works of applied art;
Of compilation, made up of collections of works, such as encyclopedias, anthologies, and of works and other elements such as databases, provided that said collections, due to their selection or the arrangement of their content or materials, constitute a creation intellectual.
- The other works that by analogy can be considered literary or artistic works will be included in the branch that is more appropriate to their nature.

What is Copyright?
The procedure for handling copyright issues is as follows:
- Contactar al responsable de Área en la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración (FCA), M.A. Yirandy Josué Rodríguez León, correo:
- Llenar el formato de solicitudes de asesorías en temas de Derecho de Autor:
- Conformation of the documentation: a) Two letters of Remunerated Collaboration (Signed with Blue Ink) b) Two copies of Identification.
Industrial Property

What does Industrial Property Protect?
The legal figures that Industrial Property protects are: ·Patents (for a product or process that proves to be new internationally) ·Utility Model (are those Modifications to existing inventions, tools and machinery to improve their performance) ·Industrial Designs ( Industrial model, industrial drawing, Trademark, Commercial Notice, Commercial Name and Denomination of Origin).

What is Industrial Property?
The purpose of industrial property protection is to prevent any unauthorized use of said figures; That is why the Institute is governed by 3 characteristics of industrial property rights: Exclusivity, where the owner is the only one authorized to commercially exploit what he has protected; Territoriality, which are the rights granted within the national territory and are independent from those granted in other countries; and Temporality, which is the stipulated time during which what is protected can be commercially exploited. The governing body in Mexico for this matter is the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
What is the Procedure to follow for the recognition of Industrial Property at FCA Tijuana?
Send to the email a presentation project of the product or process, modification of the invention, existing tools and machinery to improve its performance; model or industrial drawing, trademark, notice or commercial name, appellation of origin, respectively.
- Llenar el formato de solicitudes de asesorías en temas de Propiedad Industrial:
- Notice of Novelty (Document in presentation format where the novelty is exposed where the novelty of the invention is evidenced)
- Interview request for project presentation before the Department of Intellectual Property and Transfer (DPIT)
- Technological Search by the DPIT (The author(s) are notified of the novelty results derived from the technological search)
- Origin of the Protection and Definition of the Strategy (DPTI, Head of the Academic Unit and Authors, where requirements for the processing of the legal figure before the competent authority are reported)
- Structure for the technical memory and technical accompaniment (DPTI Meetings, Head of the Academic Unit and Authors)
- Preparation of the administrative procedure (Head of the Academic Unit and Authors, with advice from the DPIT)
- Presentation before the competent authority.