Follow-up to Graduates
The FCA Graduate Follow-up Coordination has the purpose of creating
a permanent link between graduates and the university.
Job Bank Exa-FCA Educación Continua
Principal Function
Carrying out an analysis that allows obtaining information from the graduates according to their performance and professional development, and that this allows generating information for decision-making and improving the curricular planning processes in all the careers offered by the faculty, is essential. for SE Coordination.

Promote and maintain the relationship with its graduates.

Maintain up-to-date communication with graduates.

Generate reliable information that allows decisions to be made for the restructuring of study plans according to the demands of graduates in their work environment.
FCA Maroons in the World

1st Event for Graduates
As part of the effort to link FCA graduates, the first focused event entitled "FCA Maroons in the world" was organized, which took place on Friday, September 24, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. hours, within the International Academic and Research Conference held within the framework of the 60th Anniversary of the Faculty.
This activity was broadcast simultaneously through the Zoom platform, YouTube and Facebook Live. Its central objective was to identify the professional development alternatives available at an international level for graduates of the four careers that converge in the Faculty. In this way, it was possible to visualize the challenges and opportunities that they could face over time.
On this occasion, 60 graduates were attended, as well as potential graduates, postgraduate students and undergraduate students, who together totaled more than 200 participants.
Within the protocol, there was the support of Dr. Georgina Tejeda Vega in the role of master of ceremonies, who introduced the members of the panel that was made up of outstanding graduates of the degrees in Administration, Computer Science, International Business and Accounting whose professional exercise is carried out in other countries:
THE E. María Fernanda Sadurni Ruan, who currently lives in Germany.
LI. Carlos Gerardo Fuentes Ríos, who currently lives in Germany.
LNI. Karla María Ruan Ulloa, who currently lives in Barcelona, Spain.
LNI. Shiping Wu, who currently resides in Canada.
ZIP. Manuel Ocaña Palazuelos, has an MBA-Spain.
LI. Juan Carlos Macias Estrella, who currently works in a company located in Pennsylvania, USA.
Additionally, the Mtra. Marianna Berrelleza Carrillo acted as moderator, for this reason, during the session she formulated questions related to the opportunities and challenges that they had to solve when deciding to work abroad.
Under this scenario, the invited panelists agreed on the following points:
The event concluded with the delivery of awards to the graduates invited to the Panel of Maroons of the FCA around the world.
Essential factor to be able to communicate and carry out activities aimed at the professional field.
Research about the Country and its Culture
"Learn in a working way how culture works and how they work, so that you can communicate in different ways"
New Challenges and Different Situations
"They will face new challenges, where they will start from scratch and ignorance." Realizing that they are no longer in Mexico and beginning to adapt to the culture, language and work methods.
Student Exchanges
Take advantage of the exchanges offered by the Faculty, "this will help you create a network of contacts in other countries from whom you can ask for advice or their opinion in case you want to work abroad"
Some Videos
Testimonial Videos of Graduates
Rosarito School Center
ZIP. Andrew Hernandez
ZIP. Cesar Zurita
LNI. Dario Torres
LAE. Gustavo López
LNI. Rubi Contreras
LAE. Lizbeth Palomino
LI. Juan Manuel Martínez
LC. Jesús Ramírez
LC. Natanael Cruz
LAE. Denisse Aguirre
In the opinion of the graduates

Dr. Georgina Tejeda Vega
Coord. Graduate Follow-up
Phone. (664) 979-7500 Ext. 55022