General Objective of the Program
The objective of the Master's Degree in Financial Intelligence is to develop highly trained strategists in the intensive use of data analysis techniques, virtual assets, modeling of operations in financial markets, as well as the handling of emerging technologies in the integral management of finance, which allows them to act as agents of change in the generation of more efficient , competitive and inclusive financial solutions in the context of digital transformation.
Why study with us?
Blended Learning
Duration of 2 Years
High Educational Level

Train leading professionals in the transformation of the financial, economic and social environment, with strategic thinking and a global vision, capable of developing new solutions through the application of disruptive technologies to the problems of access and use of financial products and services for building a welfare society.

We are an innovative program, recognized in the national and international context for its educational quality in line with social demands and the labor market, which contributes to sustainable development, the advancement of science, technology and progress towards more financially inclusive societies with opportunities for vulnerable sectors.

Admission Profile
Taking into account that related programs in the Economic-Administrative and Accounting areas are considered as part of the admission path, it is considered that the MIFIN applicant must have the following domains:
Of the knowledge:
● Basic knowledge about financial indicators, statistics and general functioning of the markets.
Of the skills
● Mastery of the use of digital information, communication and collaboration technologies.
● Reading comprehension of texts in Spanish and English.
● Oral and written expression in professional environments.
● Independent study.
● Understand, analyze and synthesize information.
● Teamwork.
● Troubleshooting.
Of the attitudes:
● Reflective and critical spirit.
● Self-critical.
● Adaptation to change.
● Willingness for collaboration.
Of the values:
● Trust
● Honesty.
● Perseverance.
● Respect.
● Responsibility.
● Tolerance.

Graduation Profile
Of knowledge:
- Competent to navigate and master the securities market, including both debt market instruments and the capital market, with a strong focus on the stock market.
- Competent to understand the various sources of financial risk, as well as to quantify, measure, and manage financial risk in fixed income, equity, and derivative markets.
- Competent to design currency and interest rate hedging strategies for managing the volatility risks of financial asset prices over time.
- Competent to analyze the structure of the securities market in Mexico, as well as its objectives and the role it plays in the economy.
- Competent to structure and evaluate investment projects.
- Competent to project costs and benefits, create a capital budget, evaluate different financing alternatives, and conduct scenario and sensitivity analysis to measure risk and financial feasibility.
- Competent to apply and interpret various data analysis tools and techniques.
- Competent to analyze, model, and predict financial variables that facilitate the decision-making process.
- Skilled in addressing, advising, applying, and guiding financial decision-making in the business sector based on knowledge of FINTECH.
- Competent to invest in virtual assets through the use of digital platforms.
- Capable of identifying trends in e-government services and their development through technologies applied to public finance.
- Capable of analyzing and interpreting financial information to optimize the management of financial resources.

Occupational Field
● Public or Private Sector
● Banking Sector
● Stock Market, Exchange and Investment Activities Sector
● Bonds and Insurance
● Consulting
● Productive Sector
● Regulatory Institutions
● Entrepreneurship

The Master's Degree in Financial Intelligence (MIFIN) is planned in a blended modality, with a duration of two years and four semester-long cycles during which high-level professionals will be trained in the area of Financial Intelligence. An annual call periodicity is contemplated to guarantee the entrance of students to the program on a continuous basis. It has a total of 83 credits distributed as follows: 68 compulsory credits and 15 optional credits.
Classes are two days a week (one day face-to-face and the other 100% online), two subjects per day of two hours each. The days of the week may vary.
2025-2026 Call for Applications
Important Dates
Application for Admission
May 6 to November 29, 2024
Admission Test
December 2, 2024
December 4, 2024
December 13, 2024
Registration and Payment
January 10 to 22, 2025
Curricular Map

Lines of Knowledge Generation
Emerging Technologies
Applied to Finance
Financial Inclusion
Fields of Knowledge
Digital Finance
Digital Finance

Financial Inclusion

Financial Data Analysis

Financial Markets
Teaching Force

PhD. Luis Alfredo Ávila López
MIFIN Coodinator
PhD in Global Development Studies
International Finance Specialist

PhD. Duniesky Feitó Madrigal
PhD in Economic Sciences
Specialist in Statistics and Econometrics

PhD. Malena Portal Boza
Expert in Finance and Financial Inclusion
PhD in Economics

Prof. Rodrigo Delgado Méndez
Master in Latin American Studies from UNAM
Deputy Director of Collection at the National Banking and Securities Commission

MF. Gelacio Martínez Sánchez
Master in Finance from UNAM
Expert in Investment Portfolios and Risk Analysis

MDF Carlos Alberto Camacho Inclán
Maestro en Derecho Fiscal
Especialista en Fintech.

MI. José David Mojica Hernández
Master in Taxes
Virtual Assets Specialist

Prof. Víctor Hugo Márquez Ruíz
Master in Taxes
Specialist in Financial Products Derived from the Mexican Stock Exchange

Prof. Iván de Guadalupe García Díaz
Master in Public Administration
Financial Advisor and Project Manager

Prof. Guillermo Pérez Elizalde
Master in Industrial Engineering
Specialist in Strategy and Corporate Governance
Vice President of the National Technical Committee of Corporate Governance of the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives

Current Enrollment
Entered Students
News and Events
Toma de Protesta de la I Generación de la MIFIN
El pasado jueves 5 de diciembre, se llevó a cabo la Toma de Protesta de la Primera Generación de la Maestría en Inteligencia Financiera. En este significativo evento, contamos con la presencia de nuestras autoridades de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración: la Dra. Margarita Ramírez Ramírez, directora; la Dra. Nora del Carmen Osuna Millán, subdirectora; y el Dr. Luis Alfredo Ávila López, coordinador del programa. Asimismo, nos honraron con su presencia los padrinos de generación, la Dra. Malena Portal Boza y el Dr. Duniesky Feitó Madrigal.
Durante la ceremonia, los egresados reafirmaron su compromiso con la excelencia profesional y la aplicación ética de la inteligencia financiera en sus respectivas áreas. Este acto marca el comienzo de una etapa llena de retos y oportunidades, destacando su dedicación y preparación para contribuir al desarrollo financiero y económico de nuestra sociedad.
¡Felicidades a todos los graduados por este gran logro!
63 Aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración
El martes 24 de septiembre, en el marco del 63 aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, la egresada Jehieli Delgado Ramírez, maestra en inteligencia financiera, fue panelista en el evento "Posgrado FCA: La llave para oportunidades laborales y desarrollo profesional". Durante su intervención, habló sobre la relevancia de la inteligencia financiera en la toma de decisiones estratégicas dentro de las organizaciones, destacando cómo los estudios de posgrado en este campo ofrecen un enfoque integral para anticipar y manejar riesgos financieros. Inspiró a los asistentes a profundizar sus conocimientos y seguir preparándose para un entorno financiero cada vez más complejo y competitivo.
¡Felicitamos a Jehieli por su destacada participación y valiosa contribución en el panel!

4th Borderless Business Congress in San Diego
On October 5th, students from the MIFIN and DCA programs attended the 4th Borderless Business Congress in San Diego. This annual event is a beacon of business opportunities on both sides of the border, where success stories are shared and key business relationships in the Cali-Baja region are strengthened.
✨ Congratulations to our talented students and the FCA for their outstanding representation at the 4th Borderless Business Congress. We continue to build bridges to success! 💪🌟
#StudentSuccess #Masters #Doctorate #FCA #CaliBaja #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #DCA #MIFIN #FCATijuana #UABCTijuana

Conference "Global Environment of Financial Markets and its Impact on Companies Listed on the Stock Market"
Next Wednesday, May 17, 2023, this conference will be held for students of the postgraduate programs of the Master's in Financial Intelligence and Specialty in Financial Management by the renowned economist and expert in stock market issues, Mr. Humberto Calzada Díaz. .
Audiovisual Headquarters D, FCA from 6pm to 8pm
Don't miss out !

Finance Workshop for Youth
Teachers and students of the MIFIN, EDF and MA postgraduate programs representing the Faculty of Accounting and Administration have the pleasure of inviting you to the first Finance Workshop for Youth in collaboration with CBTIS 278 High School.
Personal Finance
This event will take place from April 29 to June 3 at the following venue and time:
CBTIS 278 High School, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Face-to-face Modality
Don’t Miss Out!

National Forum of Technological Finance
The Faculty of Accounting and Administration in collaboration with MIFIN, CANIETI, is pleased to invite you to the first National University Forum on Technological Finance 2023.
Fintech and Cryptocurrencies
This event will take place on April 18 at the following times and venues:
UABC Headquarters, Audiovisual FCA 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
CANIETI Headquarters, Bit Center 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Face-to-face Modality
Don’t Miss Out!

First International Colloquium for the Presentation of Terminal Works Progress
Master Conference presented by Dr. Gabriel Alfonso Pacheco Martínez, entitled "Automation of accounting, financial and tax processes in SMEs, Opportunity or threat?
March 7th
Audiovisual C and D of the Graduate Building

MIFIN Students Participate in the International Congress of Financial Investigation Organized by the IMEF
The topics presented in the presentations are linked to the analysis of financial problems in the use of technologies and retirement savings among young people.

First Semester Students of the Master's Degree in Financial Intelligence Give a Talk on Financial Education
The students Joaquín Ángel García Rodríguez and César Hernández Angón presented their experiences in the development of their final project of the semester applied in the faculties of Arts, Medicine, Humanities and Sports and soon they will be presenting their results with the university community.
We wish you much success in completing your project!

Presentation of Final Papers
The students of the first semester of the Master's in Intelligence presented the final projects of the Advanced Data Analysis and Financial Inclusion subjects.
In the final works, they expose and analyze the main problems of the region and the country from the application of statistical and financial tools.