Master in Management of Information and Communication Technologies
Be a leader with high preparation and at the forefront.
The Master's in Information and Communication Technologies Management (MGTIC) is a professional program aimed at enhancing professional life by providing knowledge and experiences in one of four areas of specialization: Databases, Management, Network Connectivity, or Software Development. The MGTIC is an educational program tailored to the needs of a globalized environment, allowing for interaction with other fields of knowledge. Throughout the academic journey, students will have the opportunity to undertake a professional internship, where they will initiate a project within a public or private sector organization, guided by mentors from both the organization and the university. In this way, creativity and ingenuity will help solve a real workplace problem. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in student mobility programs, attend national and international conferences, through agreements the university has with various organizations and universities.
Why study with us?
Innovative Program
High Educational Level
Flexible Schedules
Duration of 4 Semesters

Admission Profile
Academic Degree
Professional title in some area related to Information Technology. Graduates from other areas who have advanced knowledge in ICT, may enter with prior authorization from the Selection Committee.
Depending on the area of emphasis that the applicant wishes to study, knowledge will be required in one of the following topics: software development, databases, network fundamentals, administrative process. In addition to reading and comprehension of the English Language endorsed by 400 TOEFL points or its equivalent in current TOEIC.
Skills and Attitudes
- Possess skills for exposing their ideas.
- Ability to identify, understand, analyze and synthesize information.
- Ability to make constructive criticism.
- Problem solving and decision making skills.
- Creativity, personal organization and teamwork.
- Ethical and moral values.

Graduate Profile
Overall Competition
The graduate of the Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technology Management will have the ability to plan, organize, develop, direct, control, propose and implement innovative technological projects in organizations, generating solutions that contribute to their competitiveness. , through the application of cutting-edge methodologies and techniques in the field of ICT within an ethical, responsible and sustainable social framework.
Specific competencies by area of emphasis.
- Management: Graduates from the Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technology Management will have the ability to plan, organize, develop, direct, control, propose and implement innovative technological projects in organizations, generating solutions that contribute to the competitiveness of the same, through the application of cutting-edge methodologies and techniques in the field of ICT within an ethical, responsible and sustainable social framework.
- Software development: The graduate will be competent to develop and manage information systems based on computers, through current development methodologies and technologies, to provide effective solutions that add value, being proactive, creative, responsible, committed and ethical.
- Database: The graduate must be able to propose, implement, manage digital communication systems, for the generation and transmission of information, in a reliable and secure manner, through communication protocols and standards, with a service attitude, discipline, responsibility and creativity.
- Telematics: The graduate must be able to propose, implement, and manage digital communication systems, for the generation and transmission of information, in a reliable and secure manner, through protocols and communication standards, with an attitude of service, discipline, responsibility and creativity.

Occupational Field
The graduate of the Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technology Management is a professional with a solid accumulation of knowledge and technical skills that will allow them to apply them in a highly competitive professional practice. You will be able to solve problems through methodologies and technological tools in the public and private sectors.
MGTIC graduates have a wide range of possibilities to apply their knowledge and skills, developing technological development or applied research projects in any institution in our society.
Call for applications

Important Dates
Recepción de
15 Enero al 15 Junio de 2025

Examen de
17 Junio de 2025

20 Junio de 2025

24 Junio de 2025
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Curriculum Map

Lines of Research
Technology Management
Information Technology
- Software Development
-Connectivity and Networks
Teachingt Staff

PhD. Beatriz Ramírez Moreno
Coordinator of the Master's Program in Information and Communication Technology Management. Doctor of Education, Member of the Consolidated Academic Body “Information Systems and Business Management".

PhD. Margarita Ramírez Ramírez
Director of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, Doctor of Education, Leader of the Consolidated Academic Body “Information Systems and Business Management".

Dra. Nora del Carmen Osuna Millán
Subdirectora de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Doctora en Educación, Miembro del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado “Gestión de la Innovación y Tecnología"

PhD. Ricardo Fernando Rosales Cisneros
Director of the Center for Complexity Studies of Baja California, PhD of Administrative Sciences, Leader of the Academic Body, "Innovation and Technology Management."
PhD. Esperanza Manrique Rojas
Coordinator of Planning and Quality Assurance, Doctor of Education, Member of the Consolidated Academic Body “Information Systems and Business Management".

Dr. José Manuel Villegas Izaguirre
Professor at FCA Tijuana, PhD in Technological Development, Member of the "Industrial Processes" Academic Body

Mtro. Ricardo Osorio Miranda
Profesor en la FCA Tijuana, Maestro en Administración, Especialista en Finanzas, Socio Director de Grupo RIXO.

Ing. Juan Fco. Magallón Rangel
Vicepresidente Nacional de Educación y Vinculación Empresarial COMEV, Director de Centro Nacional de Evaluación Profesional ESADEN-CONOCER México, Socio Inversionista Grupo Empresarial SINEG.

Dr. Jesús Manuel Niebla Zatarain
Profesor en la FCA Tijuana, Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Edimburgo, Escocia, Reino Unido, en el área de Informática Jurídica, Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada al Derecho.
The program in general and the study plan in particular, establish as an important premise to properly guide the activities of both teachers and students, to promote and achieve "the constant flow of academic, scientific and cultural products and services" through the link with the productive sector, either through an adequate training of professionals who will be properly inserted in their jobs, or in the elaboration of agreements that allow the development of technological projects that solve specific problems of the companies or general ones of the region.
To offer MGTIC students interaction with real projects and experience the workplace, the program includes collaboration agreements with organizations from the productive, social and governmental sectors. Such linkage agreements will allow students to contribute and receive knowledge when carrying out stays, projects or professional practices under the supervision of the professors of the core of the program.
The program currently has the following potential agreements to develop:

Current Enrollment
1st Semester
Degree Index
Dropout Rate
Terminal Efficiency
News and Events
Toma de Protesta de la V Generación de la MGTIC
El viernes 7 de junio, se llevó a cabo la Toma de Protesta de la V Generación de la Maestría en Gestión de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (MGTIC). En esta ceremonia, nuestros graduados reafirmaron su compromiso con la innovación y el liderazgo en el ámbito tecnológico. Fue un evento lleno de orgullo y celebración, marcando el inicio de grandes retos y oportunidades para esta nueva generación.
¡Felicidades a todos los egresados!

63 Aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración
El martes 24 de septiembre, en el marco del 63 aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, la M.G.T.I.C. Gabriela Aguilar Chicas, especialista en desarrollo de software, fue panelista en el evento "Posgrado FCA: La llave para oportunidades laborales y desarrollo profesional". Su intervención inspiró a los asistentes a profundizar en las oportunidades que los estudios de posgrado en tecnología y software pueden ofrecer, motivándolos a seguir preparándose para un mercado laboral cada vez más competitivo.
¡Felicitamos a Gabriela por su destacada participación y contribución en el panel!


Faculty of Administrative Sciences
PhD. Roberto Carlos Valdés Hernández
Faculty of Accounting and Administration
PhD. Beatriz Ramírez Moreno

Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences
PhD. Karina Caro Corrales