Master in Administration
Creating professionals with a high level in administrative areas
The Master's in Administration aims to train high-level professionals in administrative areas , offering a program with a diversity of analysis tools that allow efficiently addressing the different situations that a company faces in a highly competitive and dynamic global environment, coupled with a broad sense of social responsibility, ethics and respect for the environment, providing creative and innovative solutions to complex problems.
Why study with us?
Flexible Schedules
Duration of 2 years
High Educational Level

Provide current and future professionals with the best training in the field of management with the Master of Administration program that promotes the tools and skills to meet the needs of organizations.

Position ourselves as one of the best options for the training of professionals at the postgraduate level in MBA, in a flexible and innovative model adapted to the best quality standards, offering updated, dynamic and comprehensive proposals that contribute to regional and national talent.

Admission Profile
The applicant to enter the MA program must meet at least the following aspects:
- Academic degree: Have a degree and a bachelor's degree in any area of knowledge.
- Desirable general knowledge: Mathematics, information technology, administration and methodology.
- Professional experience: Have two years of experience in administrative or related areas.
Language: Requires presenting a certificate proving proficiency in the English language, at the level of reading comprehension and translation of a text from the administrative area. As well as a broad command of oral and written language in Spanish.
Skills for:
- Classify, record, synthesize, compare and analyze quantitative and qualitative information.
- Interpret quantitative and qualitative data and information.
- Oral and written communication.
- Participate in interdisciplinary work teams.
- Management of computer equipment and support software.
Attitudes and Values:
- Interest in business, its challenges and innovations.
- A taste for developing their skills in administrative areas.
- Responsibility.
- Loyalty.
- Pressure tolerance.
- Creativity.
- Results Oriented.
- Initiative.
- He likes to take risks.
Opening to change.

Graduate Profile
The graduate of this program will be a professional with a broad command of the administrative process, trained to hold senior management positions, and the formulation and implementation of strategies and guidelines of the company and its functional areas, aimed at achieving competitiveness in an environment global.
Knowledge in:
- The administrative process in each of its stages.
- The functional areas of marketing, human resource management, finance, production, and operations.
- Methods and techniques for solving problems, through applied research.
- Specialized in one of the areas of emphasis offered by the program.
Skills for:
- Diagnose administrative problems.
- Design and implement solutions.
- Analyze and manage information for decision making.
- Design of organizational structures and administrative systems.
- Communicate and negotiate.
- Teamwork.
- Conduct applied research.
- Promote change.
- Design and implementation of plans and programs.
- Leadership.
Diagnosis and evaluation.
Attitudes and Values:
- Opening to change.
- Innovation.
- Compromise and responsibility.
- Personal and professional ethics.
- Integrity.
- Humanist sense.
- Critical sense.

Occupational Field
Graduates from the Master's in Administration program will be a competent leader in the development and direction of continuous improvement projects with a focus on senior management, finance, innovation, marketing, human resources, supply chain, strategy, competitiveness and productivity in order to be able to work in the following areas:
- Public or private sector.
- Government, social and higher education institutions.
- Consulting or independent advice.
- Entrepreneurship.
- Market research.
Important Dates

Admission Request
May 13 to November 17, 2024

Selection Process
November 22 to December 6, 2024

December 13, 2024
Curriculum Map
Knowledge Generation Lines
Development Administration
Studies on Competitiveness
Teaching Force
Faculty of Accounting and Administration

PhD. Nancy Imelda Montero Delgado
PhD in Administrative SciencesSpecialist in Strategic Administration

PhD. Blanca Estela Bernal Escoto
PhD in Administrative Sciences
Marketing Specialist

PhD. Duniesky Feitó Madrigal
PhD in Economic SciencesSpecialist in Statistics and Quality

PhD. Sergio Octavio Vázquez Núñez
PhD in Administrative Sciences
Specialist in Corporate Finance

PhD. Eduardo Ahumada Tello
PhD of Administrative Sciences
Specialist in Information and Communication Technologies

PhD. Juan Manuel Perusquía Velasco
PhD of Administrative Sciences
Specialist in Foreign Trade and Customs

Graduation Index
Dropout Rate
Terminal Efficiency
News and Events
Presentación del 3er Coloquio de la Generación 2023-2024 de la MA
El pasado 11 de diciembre, se llevó a cabo con éxito el 3er Coloquio de la Generación 2023-2024 de la Maestría en Administración, un evento que marcó un importante avance en la formación académica de nuestros estudiantes. Durante el coloquio, los alumnos presentaron los avances finales de sus proyectos de investigación, demostrando un profundo compromiso con el desarrollo de propuestas innovadoras y relevantes en el ámbito administrativo. Este espacio académico permitió el intercambio de ideas, retroalimentación valiosa por parte de docentes y compañeros, y el fortalecimiento de las habilidades investigativas de los participantes.
¡Felicidades cimarrones por este gran paso en su trayectoria académica! 🎓
63 Aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración
El martes 24 de septiembre, en el marco del 63 aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, el egresado Ricardo Moreno Santos, maestro en administración, fue panelista en el evento "Posgrado FCA: La llave para oportunidades laborales y desarrollo profesional". Durante su intervención, destacó la importancia de la administración estratégica y cómo los estudios de posgrado en esta área del conocimiento pueden proporcionar las habilidades necesarias para liderar organizaciones en un entorno empresarial globalizado y en constante evolución. Motivó a los asistentes a seguir preparándose para asumir roles de liderazgo en un mercado laboral cada vez más competitivo.
¡Felicitamos a Ricardo por su destacada participación y valiosa contribución en el panel!

Generation 2023-2024 Successfully Complete their First Four-Month Period
Presenting his research protocol advances in his Research Methodology class.
Many congratulations maroons!

Faculty of Accounting and Administration
Dr. Nancy Imelda Montero Delgado

Faculty of Administrative Sciences
PhD. Jackeline Hernández Bejarano

Faculty of Administrative and Social Sciences
PhD. Olivia Denisse Mejía Victoria

Faculty of Administrative and Social Engineering Sciences
PhD. Janette Brito Laredo