Bachelor of International Business
Train students with the ability to create, manage and manage integrated information systems; collecting, analyzing, processing data and managing knowledge through the selection and effective use of information technologies for efficient decision-making support.
LNI Profile

To enter the Educational Program for the Bachelor of International Business, you must accredit the following subjects:
- Economy
- Math
- English
- Administration
- Contabilidad
- Informática.
- Oral and written expression
- Analysis and synthesis of information
- Teamwork
- Respect
- Honesty
- Review
- Compromise and responsibility

The LNI graduate is competent to:
- Analyze the possibility of expansion according to the particularities of the company, the market and cultural aspects, through market studies, financial, production, economic and international trade reports, to contribute to the development of the entity with impartiality and attachment to the true.
- Examine the legal aspects corresponding to the national and international regulatory framework, through the study of cases that allow solving the legal problem objectively.
- Identify the tools to diagnose the competitiveness of economic entities through the application of the responsible business methodology.
- Analyze the investment options and sources of financing through the financial instruments offered by the markets to identify possible investments with respect to legality.

Occupational Field
The graduate of the Degree in International Business will be prepared to provide their services in the:
In industrial, commercial or service companies, whether multinational or national, in the commercial area within the financial sector.
In entities and agencies of the federal, state or municipal public administration related to the different economic sectors.
Carrying out consulting and advisory activities in international business or managing your own business.
""The International Business educational program has a specific agreement with the University of Valparaíso in Chile, which allows obtaining a double degree at the undergraduate level in the area of International Business, in addition to having a specific agreement with the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 , in France with which the student can obtain a Technical Diploma in International Marketing. It is worth mentioning that both stays require at least one year to conclude "International Business has a specific agreement with the University of Valparaíso in Chile, which allows obtaining a double degree at the undergraduate level in the area of International Business, in addition to having a specific agreement with the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, in France, with which the student can obtain a Technical Diploma in International Marketing. It should be mentioned that both stays require at least one year to conclude.

Admission Requirements for the English Language
Regularization of students who have not met the English language requirement for admission to the Bachelor's Degree in International Business
Second-semester students in the Common Core who wish to enter the Bachelor's Degree in International Business may choose from any of the following FIVE OPTIONS to fulfill this requirement:
Third Language Requirement
Educational Plan

Basic Stage
In this stage, it establishes the foundations of the educational program, comprises a set of multidisciplinary general learning units, with a formative orientation that provides the student with the contextual, methodological and instrumental bases fundamental for the administrative area, necessary for the understanding of the origin and the location of the learning units of the disciplinary stage. This stage favors the integration of a common core that consists of a set of learning units belonging to a group of related careers in the same area of knowledge.
Analyze the basic and technical concepts of the areas of economic-administrative sciences through the acquisition of general knowledge of other disciplines, basic areas of knowledge and of the social and human sciences that allow them to develop skills, attitudes and values essential for the incorporation of the student to the disciplinary field and collaborative work, with a global vision and social, professional and personal commitment.

Disciplinary Stage
The student will acquire the theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge of the Administration, oriented to a generic learning for professional practice. It also includes the development of generic skills transferable to professional performance common to a specific occupational field.
Apply theoretical and methodological concepts, through the implementation of systems, procedures and methods for the generation of useful information for an economic entity in a responsible manner.

Terminal Stage
Knowledge is reinforced and the application of the acquired knowledge is carried out in an integrated way, increasing practical work, and it is concluded with the development of the professional skills necessary to join the occupational field, for the generation of alternatives and the solution of problems.
Design and evaluate economic-administrative systems by integrating methods, techniques and procedures to responsibly issue opinions, recommendations and make accounting, financial, fiscal and administrative decisions of an economic entity.
Curriculum Maps
LNI Experience

Study Visit
LNI students taking a guided tour of the United States Consulate, along with LNI professor Dr. Juan Manuel Alberto Perusquia, who is a full-time researcher and teacher at the faculty.

International Business Week
Students present in the International Business week, in which different talks and conferences are held.

Exchange Students
French students of the Technical Diploma in International Marketing.
Learn more
Quality Indicators

Prof. Marianna Berrelleza Carrillo
LNI Coordinator
- Ext. 55048
- Correo:

Prof. René Andréi Guerrero Vázquez
- Coordinador Área de Comercio Exterior
- Email:

PhD. Flavio Abel Rivera Aguirre
- Coordinador Área de Negocios y Logística
- Correo:

PhD. Jorge Alfonso Galván León
Economics Area Coordinator
- Correo:
PhD. Rocío Villalón Cañas
- Coordinadora Área de Apoyo
- Email:

PhD. Robert Efraín Zárate Cornejo
- Support Coordinator
- Correo: