Supporting Documents
Chapter 6th: Class Attendance
Artículo 99 . Los alumnos que deben asistir a clases lo harán puntualmente. Sólo se podrá justificar la falta de asistencia a clase, por alguna de las siguientes causas:
I. Due to illness, presenting only a signed and sealed medical certificate or disability.
II. For the fullminent of an appointment or commission conferred by the corresponding university authority, to represent the University or for some transcendent fact.
III. Due to acts of God or force majeure, or compliance with an authority mandate that prevents the student from attending.
Absences from classes that can be justified will not exceed 20% of the total class hours established in the learning unit program.
Article 100. The student must justify the lack of attendance with the appropriate document before the director of the academic unit within 5 business days following the date on which he was able to resume his studies.
If the director considers the absences justified, he will inform the teachers of the learning units that the students are studying, so that they make the corresponding annotation, grant the necessary flexibility to comply with the academic activities scheduled in the period of their absence, and where appropriate, modify the exam date.