Promotion of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Community of entrepreneurship with leadership and regional impact.
What are we?
At INNOVE we encourage and promote entrepreneurship , we generate knowledge to provide educational and business tools that encourage the creation of innovative and scalable ventures .
Entrepreneurship as a life skill.
How do we do it?
Creating a community
With teachers, students, researchers
Inviting investors and business organizations
That help support the entrepreneurship
Main Areas
Entrepreneurship Research

Lines of Investigation
Develop lines of research aligned to the entrepreneurship process and integrate academic work teams
Initial Projects
Creation of an academic body focused on entrepreneurship.
Thesis law of entrepreneurship.
Thesis ecosystems of entrepreneurship.
Business intelligence thesis for entrepreneus.
- Entrepreneurship Research.

Knowledge Diffusion
Establish strategies to disseminate the knowledge that is generated in the faculty regarding issues related to entrepreneurship
Initial Projects
Dissemination on social networks, blog and newsletter of the biweekly entrepreneurship bulletin.

Participation in National and International Forums
Present research results in national and international exhibition forums
Initial Projects
Holding of the first entrepreneurship forum.
Academic Coordination

What's your objective?
It aims to promote the inclusion of entrepreneurship competence in a transversal manner in all educational programs, from undergraduate to graduate.
Provide support and updated tools to teachers who teach content in subjects related to entrepreneurship.
Implementation of a new entrepreneurship model in the FCA, horizontal integration of the competition.
Descriptive letters update.
Participation in racing updates.
Continuing Education

Develop practical workshops on tools applied to entrepreneurial projects in various phases.
During the contingency, start with talks, with guests and with our own work team with useful topics for entrepreneurs

Develop diplomas according to the demands of the regional market in entrepreneurship issues.
Start with feasibility work and demand for graduates in entrepreneurship areas.
Entrepreneurship Laboratory
To develop entrepreneurship projects collaboratively.
Initial Projects
EXPLORE: Program focused on the validation process of your business idea.
To develop entrepreneurship projects collaboratively.
Initial Projects
INNOVATE: Program focused on the search process for that solution that will effectively take you to the market.
To develop entrepreneurship projects collaboratively
Initial Projects
SCALE-UP: Program focused on the first steps of acceleration and organic growth of your company.
International Entrepreneurship Forum
Second Edition
Wednesday, June 1st


PhD. Flavio Abel Rivera Aguirre
Tel. (664) 979-75-00 Ext. 55000