Program Objective
The Doctorate in Administrative Sciences (DCA) aims to train researchers with the ability to generate innovative knowledge through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates theories, methodologies, and advanced analytical tools. This knowledge contributes to the progress of administrative science and proposes effective solutions to complex problems in organizational settings and the analysis of public policies.
Why study with us?
Advanced analysis
of data
Curricular flexibility
High-impact publications
New graduation options

Admission Profile
The applicant for the doctoral program must have formal studies in administrative sciences or related fields, and/or professional or work experience in the management of public or private organizations.
- Management of organizations, theories, methods, and techniques of administrative sciences.
- Methodology for research and the management of data collection and analysis techniques.
- Inferential statistics, hypothesis design and testing.
- Management of information technologies.
- Writing of texts with scientific language.
- Use of search engines and operators.
- Logical reasoning, analysis, and synthesis.
- Critical analysis of problems.
Actitudes y valores
- Honesty.
- Perseverance.
- Critical and self-critical mindset.
- Innovation.
- Creativity.
- Social commitment.

Admission Profile
Graduates of the Doctorate in Administrative Sciences program will be competent to:
Specific competencies by area of emphasis.
- Create competitive advantages in organizations that enable them to be efficient, anticipate the context to enhance opportunities and mitigate threats, innovate in processes to increase productivity, as well as design and apply positioning and management strategies through quantitative studies that model variables with ethics and a commitment to sustainability.
- Evaluate the performance of organizations based on systemic diagnoses that assess strategies for attracting and retaining talent, diversity management, personnel administration, production processes, and financial management, in order to propose solutions that ensure the sustainability of the organization with social responsibility and a community-oriented approach.
- Evaluate the interactions of different economic agents in territorial spaces, localities, cities, or regions, based on organizational models and their potential impacts on the productive restructuring from various theoretical, methodological, and practical approaches. This will enable the generation of innovation processes, technological learning, and local development with social responsibility and sustainability.

Occupational Field
The graduate of the DCA can develop in:
- Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Research Centers as a teacher, researcher, and manager of processes related to research activities.
- Government agencies and parastatal organizations as an advisor, researcher, or in administrative positions that involve the design of data collection and analysis tools, enabling the creation of scenarios and improvement proposals.
- Private sector as an advisor, consultant, or employee to conduct studies or research, as well as being part of innovation groups (organizational marketing, product, and process), serving as a business consultant, managing and guiding companies in promoting productivity.
- Entrepreneur, developing their own company with a focus on applied research.
Call for applications
Important Dates
Submission of documentation
Until November 30, 2024

December 10, 2024

December 4, 2024

December 15, 2024
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Curriculum Map

Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge
Management and Development of Organizations
Studies for Promoting Competitiveness
Regional Development and Innovation Systems
Teachingt Staff

PhD. Margarita Ramírez Ramírez
Director of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, Doctor of Education, Leader of the Consolidated Academic Body “Information Systems and Business Management".

PhD. Nora del Carmen Osuna Millán
Subdirectora de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Doctora en Educación, Miembro del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado “Gestión de la Innovación y Tecnología"

PhD. Duniesky Feitó Madrigal
Coordinador del programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas. Doctor en Ciencias Económicas.

PhD. Ricardo Fernando Rosales Cisneros
Director of the Center for Complexity Studies of Baja California, PhD of Administrative Sciences, Leader of the Academic Body, "Innovation and Technology Management."
PhD. Esperanza Manrique Rojas
Coordinator of Planning and Quality Assurance, Doctor of Education, Member of the Consolidated Academic Body “Information Systems and Business Management".

PhD. Ivonne Jacqueline Cruz
Doctora en Ciencias Administrativas.

PhD. Eduardo Ahumada Tello
Doctor en Ciencias Administrativas.

PhD. Juan Manuel Alberto Perusquia Velasco
Doctor en Administración.

PhD. Karen Gardenia Ramos Higuera
Doctora en Estudios de Desarrollo Global.

PhD. Ma. del Carmén Alcalá Álvarez
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales.
Current Enrollment
Degree Index
Dropout Rate
Terminal Efficiency
News and Events
Participación en la sexta edición del Torneo ACBSP-CompanyGame
El equipo "Fusión Caribeña", conformado por talentosas alumnas del DCA, destacó en la sexta edición del Torneo ACBSP-CompanyGame de simulación de negocios, realizado entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre.
Con estrategias innovadoras y una sólida capacidad analítica, el equipo logró resultados de excelencia que reflejan la calidad académica y el compromiso de nuestros estudiantes. Este torneo, que reúne a participantes de distintas partes del mundo, representa un espacio para aplicar conocimientos y habilidades en un entorno competitivo y de alto nivel.
¡Felicidades cimarronas por este gran logro que enorgullece a nuestra comunidad académica!

63 Aniversario de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración
On Tuesday, September 24th, within the framework of the 63rd anniversary of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, Dr. Octavio Alberto Villalobos Martínez, a graduate of the DCA, was a panelist at the event "FCA Graduate Programs: The Key to Job Opportunities and Professional Development." His presentation inspired attendees to reflect on how graduate studies can drive professional development and offer competitive advantages in the current job market
We congratulate Dr. Villalobos Méndez for his outstanding participation and valuable contribution to the panel!

4th Borderless Business Congress en San Diego
El pasado 5 de octubre estudiantes del DCA estuvieron presentes en el 4th Borderless Business Congress en San Diego. Este evento anual es un faro de oportunidades comerciales en ambos lados de la frontera, donde se comparten casos de éxito y se refuerzan las relaciones comerciales clave en la región Cali-Baja.
✨ Felicitaciones a nuestros talentosos estudiantes y a la FCA por su destacada representación en el 4th Borderless Business Congress. ¡Seguimos construyendo puentes hacia el éxito! 💪🌟
#ÉxitoEstudiantil #FCA #CaliBaja #Innovación #Emprendimiento #DCA #FCATijuana #UABCTijuana