Center for China-Baja California Studies
The objective of the CECHBC is to seek the link and cooperation between higher education institutions of China and the Autonomous University of Baja California, to promote the academic exchange of students and the collaboration of research professors who exchange and generate knowledge.
The China-Baja California Studies Center was established in 2020 at the UABC School of Accounting and Administration.
It is a group of scholars who produce academic research from a multidisciplinary perspective and report on the debates about how the entity should position itself in a century shaped by tensions and cooperation between China and the United States. At the local level, Chinese investment is considered more viable, although the Mexican government's response to the geopolitical implications of growing Chinese power is still uncertain.
The changes in the manufacturing industry due to the coronavirus pandemic raise a series of questions about how social, economic and political affairs should be managed for regions such as Baja California. As UABC facilitator on the experience in China, the Center reports on these debates, as well as guides students, politicians, businessmen and organized civil society on how to negotiate at this time.
About us

The main objective of the CECHBC is to promote spaces for the generation of pertinent knowledge, critical and creative analysis, promotion of debate and exchange of ideas regarding economic, business, fiscal, scientific, academic and cultural issues around the relationship in Mexico-China. , with an emphasis on the State of Baja California.

In 2025, the CECHBC is consolidated as a center widely recognized by the academic, public, private and social sectors in the national and international spheres, as a leading opinion leader on issues concerning the Mexico-China relationship, with emphasis on the State from Baja California.

As part of the Autonomous University of Baja California, it fully complies with the fundamental values of the university community:
Trust, Democracy, Honesty, Humility, Justice, Loyalty, Freedom, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility and Solidarity.

What activities does the Center carry out?
Book in conjunction with the Southwest University of Economics and Finance.
Member stays of the Sureste University of Economics and Finance.
Stays at the China Mexico Studies Center.
Economic profile of the Chinese restaurant industry in Baja California.
Statistical data on Chinese investment in Mexico.
Statistical data on Chinese investment in Baja California.
Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Tijuana, Mr. Yu Bo.
Consul of Mexico in Shanghai, Lorena Larios.
Director of the Hanyu Center for China Education and Outreach, Su Meng.
COLEF, Mexican Institute of Finance Executives, Center for Legal Studies, Crowe, Radio Check-In Program by UABC Radio, Anniversary of the Foundation of the People's Republic of China.
Translation and interpretation of texts in Chinese by an expert translator who is a member of the Center.
Classes in Mandarin Chinese for students and entrepreneurs.
Check out the bulletins of What happened in China last week?
Where issues of health, economy, culture, science and technology, environment and sustainability are addressed.
Collaboration networks
Latin America and the Caribbean Network
Dragons and Ink Bamboo Magazine
Ramón Yee President of Descendants of Overseas Chinese

PhD. Luis Alfredo Ávila López
Director of the CECHBC
Ext. 55130

PhD. René Andréi Guerrero Vázquez
Academic coordinator

Noticias y Eventos

El Centro de Estudios China-Baja California celebra el Día de China.
Agradecemos a la Cónsul Sra. Yu Yue por su mensaje de gran valor para los asistentes y al Consulado de La República Popular de China en Tijuana por ser parte de este evento tan importante.
La presencia y las palabras inspiradoras de la Cónsul resonaron entre los presentes, destacando la importancia del diálogo intercultural y la cooperación global para construir un mundo más unido y comprensivo.

Felicitamos a la alumna Paulina Mora Román por su Obra "Encuentro y Unión Cultural".
Con motivo de las festividades del Día de China se premio a la alumna Paulina Mora Román quién cursa el Tronco Común en la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración por su obra "Encuentro y Unión Cultural" en una ceremonia llena de asistentes en la Sala Audiovisual de la FCA la Cónsul Sra. Yu Yue entrego el premio a la talentosa estudiante.
Con una paleta vibrante y formas expresivas, su trabajo logro capturar la esencia de las relaciones entre México y China a través del arte, recordándonos la importancia de celebrar nuestras diferencias y promover la colaboración intercultural en un mundo cada vez más interconectado.

Ciclo de Cine Chino "El Rey Mono".
El Ciclo del Cine Chino fue llevado a cabo el día 12 de abril en la sala audiovisual de la FCA, donde se proyectó la película de "El Rey Mono"📽🎞
En las cuales se tuvo la participación de:👇
✔Yu Yue, Consul General de la República Popular de China
✔Dr. Luis Ávila López, Director del Centro de Estudios China-BC
✔Mtro. Andréi Guerrero
✔Dra. Carolina Zayas
👉El ciclo del cine chino se refiere al desarrollo histórico y artístico del cine producido en China, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. A lo largo de su historia, el cine chino ha pasado por diferentes etapas, influenciado por los cambios políticos, sociales y culturales que ha experimentado el país.