Optional Insurance

It is the medical, surgical, hospital and pharmaceutical service provided by law by the IMSS to all higher education students.

Steps to Register

It is not automatic, if you need it you must follow the following steps to start the process

Get your Social Security Number

On the IMSS page:


You will need: Your CURP and an email

Send your data to the form

On the IMSS page:


You need to fill it out by accessing through UABC Mail.

Wait in UABC mail for the notification

It takes 3-4 business days

Once you have the confirmation, the IMSS will update your Database

It will be ready in 72 hours 

Verify that you have your Certificate of Validity of Rights

On the IMSS page:


You will need: Your CURP and an email

Go to your IMSS Clinic and ask for your card

You are ready for medical attention!

7. Upload your Social Security Certificate


Upload your Social Security Certificate

                         Upload Certificate

For your convenience, download the IMSS Digital app on your phone to find your Social Security Number and your Rights Validity.
Additionally, UABC has a policy that covers accidents within the university premises, during transit, or while representing the institution, including accidental death.

Steps to store the Evidence of Validity of Rights


Rocío Martínez Gasca

Phone. 979-75-00 Ext. 55005


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